They say that the eyes are the first to go. Well, I AdaptoGenie, having been around for hundreds of years myself can tell you there is a lot of truth to that statement.  But, you know what else has been around for hundreds of years?  Adaptogenic herbs that provide antioxidant support AND strengthen the nervous system noticeably improving eyesight.  Here are three adaptogens that when consumed regularly will improve your eyesight.



In addition to being an adaptogen, Eleuthero is also classified as an antioxidant which also supports the optic nerve.  Noted herbalist, Christopher Hobbs stated that “studies show that Eleuthero extract, when taken on a regular basis, can improve visual and hearing acuity.” A number of studies have evaluated the effects of eleuthero on eye conditions.  One study evaluated the pre and postoperative effects of eleuthero extract (1.5 ml twice daily) on 282 male or female patients suffering from primary glaucoma (102 cases) and eye burns (58 cases). Beneficial effects were noted in both treatments.


Various human studies have also shown that Schisandra can improve vision, even enlarging the field of vision, and can improve hearing. It also improves the discrimination ability of the skin receptors. It has been determined that this increased sensitivity is due to improved function of the central nervous system’s ability to analyze data flowing to it from the peripheral sensors.
In addition, Schisandra has demonstrated the ability to correct night blindness. In one study, there was a general increased sharpness of vision and a widening of the boundaries of the field of vision after a 10-day regimen using schisandra.



Lycium has been known to herbalists in Europe for centuries.  Lyceum contains high amounts of two different carotenoids, lutein and zeaxanthin.  Carotenoids are the antioxidants compounds that produce the orange or bright yellow coloring various fruits and vegetables.  These pigments are used by the retina of the eye and are essential for good eyesight.  Lycium stabilizes the small capillaries in the eyes, helps with night vision, relieves dry, tired and painful eyes and helps prevent cataracts and glaucoma.



I think it is clear, (if it’s not take these 3 adaptogens and it will be) that a daily regimen that incorporates these three powerful herbs can either improve vision or prevent future eyesight issues.  If it’s the eyes that are indeed the the first to go, by delaying that manifestation, you may be able to put off the effects of aging indefinitely.  Brilliant!!!